
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Welfare, Ignorance, And Bigotry

By Joe Cereola
The memes captured by the images on the left are typical of many found on Facebook; they are ill-informed, devoid of compassion, and implicitly racist. There's an entire Facebook page devoted to this ignorance and bigotry. The implied message is clear: those receiving government assistance are lazy, unemployed, and don't deserve our help. Too bad we don't see as many images lambasting the many wealthy corporations receiving billions in subsidies and tax breaks.

It's obvious that too many of those ranting about welfare have no idea how the welfare system operates. The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, what we typically call welfare, is limited in duration, means tested, and benefits can be denied if recipients are not employed and refuse to seek work. 

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported  that 1.1 million adults received financial help through the TANF program in 2011, a surprisingly small number when you realize that 46.5 million people, 15% of the U.S. population, were living in poverty in 2012. That is an embarrassing statistic for the wealthiest nation on Earth. The only thing I find more abhorrent than those numbers are the people that try to dismiss the plight of poor by asking how bad can poverty be if you have a television and a cell phone. 

Of those living in poverty, 20 million are children or elderly, 10.7 million worked full-time year-round, 7.9 million worked part-time, and 15.8 million worked less than one week. Among those not working, 4.9 million were ill or disabled, 1.3 million were retired, 4.1 million were out of work to take care of the home or family, 2.1 million could not find work, and 3.4 million were in school getting an education and gaining the most valuable asset for escaping poverty.

Are there welfare cheats and other scammers abusing our social safety nets to collect benefits they don't deserve? Of course there are, but those complaining on Facebook probably don't know a single a person receiving welfare. If they had firsthand knowledge about a specific welfare cheat, their time would be better spent reporting the crime to authorities (welfare fraud is a crime) rather than spreading hate and ignorance on Facebook.

Insinuating that all welfare recipients are lazy deadbeats is just an excuse to turn away and ignore the underlying problems that create and perpetuate poverty.


Joe said...

Most people have been leaving comments on my Facebook page, but I encourage you to post your comments here.

Richie's Political Rant 2021 said...

We are the wealthiest nation, but for how long? We are squandering it so many wasteful ways. The inefficiencies are mind numbing to read. The Citizens Against Government Waste is one place I go to get my wake up call. When we break the two-party rule and the ability for corporations and unions to influence elections we might just be back on the road to recovery. As for government assistance? Make it work! But for the sake of future Americans stop borrowing.

Natalie DeYoung said...

Having been on welfare due to economic hardship and necessity, I am appalled by the ignorance those fortunate enough to have steady, livable income demonstrate.

psychochef said...

Excellent post, Joe! I have spent years working with people with disabilities, as well as single moms, kids coming out of foster care, and folks who are working their butts off, but just can't make ends meet. The people who make ignorant statements about people who "live off of the system" have no idea what it's like to struggle to get their basic needs met.

Thank you for this. Karen

Vanessa D. said...

I feel a flicker of offense every time I see on of these memes shared on Facebook. I had a neighbor on Welfare. She suffered from post-polio syndrome. Welfare gave her a "generous" $500 a month to live on. I dare you to try to house and feed yourself on that. Which is why most nights, after my kids were fed I fixed her a plate and took her dinner.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for writing this. While I have not received TANF, we did rely on WIC for three years until I found a better-paying job. I never abused the system, but I felt a deep sense of shame because of the stigma attached to receiving assistance.

Kristin said...

It's easy to see what we filter through our personal biases and rely on anecdotes. But numbers are much more trustworthy and clear. I have been lucky in my life. I've worked hard, been smart about money, and I've been charitable with my time and resources. But overall that is dumb luck. One bad car accident, sickness, lay-off…and it wouldn't be the case.

That is what more people need to realize. Giving others the benefit of the doubt doesn't take away from your own accomplishments. It could be any one of us in line tomorrow.

Daniel Nest said...

Hear hear! I salute any post that takes a deep dive into issues, instead of reducing it to a 140-character meme to blinding share on Twitter and Facebook.

It's a sad reality that we can only hope will gradually change for the better.

Anonymous said...

Excellent post, numbers make the picture very clear. Politicians and big businesses are sucking the system dry, and paying the media to make it look like the fault of folks receiving assistance.

Dawn said...

I'm going to say Thank You! This is an educated post that gives a much deserved middle finger to the ignorant complainers of welfare.

I had food to eat as a child because of food stamps. As a teenager, my mother was too sick with cancer to work and once again it was because of food stamps and temporary assistance that I had what I needed. As an adult, I have worked with the poor, the working poor and the disabled (both physically and mentally) and have seen how government assistance can be a life line.

I am so sick of seeing politically based, ignorant nonsense in the forms of memes and one liners on social media. If someone speaks otherwise, they are seen as supporting "all that is wrong with America". It's infuriating.

I applaud you for speaking up on behalf of those that need a voice the most. I am going to share your post on my FB page :)